If you’ve been learning about and practicing manifestation and the Law of Attraction for any length of time then I know you’ve seen a lot of information on detaching from your goals, and detaching from the outcome.

There’s a lot of information out there today that is simply holding a lot of people back and preventing them from moving forward and actually creating the changes they want in their lives. Today, we’re going to clear it all up so you know the truth so you can start moving forward.

Today I want to discuss why detaching from your goals is ineffective, why it’s ineffective, and why it’s taught so often and so frequently even though it’s ineffective, and what you can do instead.

To start off, why is detaching from your goals ineffective? Why do I say that? 

Well, the proof is in the pudding. The proof is in history. The proof is all around us. 

Anyone who has ever accomplished anything significant has been very attached to their goals, and you can pick anyone living now or anyone from history. 

Bill Gates was very attached to growing Microsoft and making it the dominant force in computing. 

Steve Jobs was known as a tyrant and a bear if people weren’t meeting his expectations. He was extremely attached to his goals. 

Elon Musk didn’t just said, “Oh, I would like to one day have a company that makes electric cars and another one that puts people on Mars”. He gets up every morning extremely attached to exactly what is happening in his companies and where they are heading and making sure things stay on track.

Martin Luther King, Jr.  wasn’t just hoping that things would change in the U.S., he was attached to making it happen. It was his life purpose. 

Mother Theresa didn’t just say, “Oh, I hope someone helps these poor people.” She was very attached to changing the world and helping those people every single day. It was her life purpose. 

Mahatma Gandhi – the exact same thing. 

You can think of anyone, present or from history that has accomplished anything of significance. They’ve all been very attached to their goals.

Now, at this point, some people do say to me, “Tom, there’s a difference between being attached to your goals and being dedicated to them. They are two different things.” 

Yes, they are two different things. 

Being dedicated to something and being attached to something are vastly different. There are many employees who are dedicated to their jobs, but the people who started and owned those companies are attached to those companies and the results. There are athletes who are dedicated to training, but the champions who deliver time and time again and win the gold medals and win the championships are very attached to their achievements. 

I might be dedicated to a certain lifestyle or way of living, but I’m attached to the well-being of my children. 

They are two very different things indeed. When it comes to being dedicated and being attached, attachment beats dedication every single time. 

The next obvious question is, “Tom, if being detached from our goals doesn’t help us create them and move forward and change our lives, why is it taught so much?” 

There are two main reasons for that. 

Reason number one is that there are actually two paths of Law of Attraction – two paths of LOA. There’s the Passive Path and there’s the Active Path. Both are good. Choose whichever one you want. Most people are drawn to Passive Path Law of Attraction, and in Passive Path Law of Attraction, the entire goal is focused on always feeling good all the time no matter what is happening in your life, No matter what is not happening in your life. No matter when something is happening in your life, or if something happens at all. The whole goal is to feel good as much as possible.

There’s nothing wrong with that. If you can feel good for the rest of your life no matter what is or isn’t happening in your life, well, you’re going to feel good for the rest of your life. That’s a good life, but attachment to goals inherently brings negative feelings and negative emotions, and since the whole goal of Passive Path Law of Attraction is to feel good, well, they want to get rid of all of that. 

It’s really a Buddhist approach to Law of Attraction. If we’re not attached to the goal, if we’re not attached to the outcome, then we won’t feel bad if it’s not coming yet, or if it never comes, or if we get something different. We’ll just always feel good, even if we never get the goal at all. The whole focus is on feeling good, not necessarily on attaining anything.

Now, the second path of Law of Attraction is the Active Path, and in Active Path Law of Attraction  the goals are different. The focus is different. In Active Path Law of Attraction the goal is to actually select the changes we want to make in our lives and the world and make them happen. The goal is not to be happy if it’s not happening or if it never happens, but to actually make it happen.

Active Path and Passive Path Law of Attraction have two different focuses, two different goals, and therefore, they require different sets of principles and techniques in order to achieve those goals. If you just want to feel great all of the time, that’s a good goal. Feel great all of the time no matter what is, or isn’t happening in your life. Whether you get your goal or not. Whether it comes now or later. That’s great. Passive Path is for you. But if you’re one of the few who actually wants to select the changes you want to make in yourself, your life, your community, and the world, then Active Path Law of Attraction is what you need.

The next logical question, of course, is, “Okay, Tom, if we’re not supposed to be attached to our goals, what do we do instead?” 

Of course, the answer is be attached to your goals. Have them be your burning desire. Have them be your life purpose. Be very attached to if it happens or not, and when it does or doesn’t happen. Make sure you create those changes in your life. 

Now most people in the Law of Attraction world react with, “Yeah, but that’s going to give me negative emotions.”

 In Active Path Law of Attraction, that is okay. In Active Path we know the principles and techniques to utilize the energy from positive and negative emotions in order to fuel our manifestations and create the positive changes we want in our lives and the world.

Manifestations are fuelled by emotional energy, be they positive emotions or negative emotions. We can use them both to create good changes in our lives. The more attached we are to our goals, the more emotionally involved we are our in our goals, in achieving them, the more emotional energy we have. More energy means we can accomplish more, we can manifest more. With more energy we can manifest larger and we can manifest faster.

If you want to actually create large changes in your life then you need to be attached to your goals. You have to care – a lot!