Does Manifesting Work?

Millions of people are currently getting small, sporadic, or no results through manifesting and the Law of Attraction. So we are constantly asked ‘Does manifesting work?” They have applied what they have been taught, but aren’t getting the results they...

How to Manifest Using the Law of Attraction

You will see, hear, and read a lot of different information about how to manifest your desires using the Law of Attraction. Many people will say that you just have to feel positive, and not have any doubt. Others will say to go with the flow, and do only what feels...

What is Manifestation?

Manifestation is the process of turning your thoughts and desires into reality. Manifestation is not a singular event like flipping a light switch. It is an ongoing process of creation and evolution. There are three main parts, or pillars of the manifestation process....
Law of Attraction Coaches: Gaslighting Has To Stop!

Law of Attraction Coaches: Gaslighting Has To Stop!

Today I’d like to talk about gaslighting in the world of law of attraction and manifestation because it is rampant. It is out of control. It is everywhere. It’s hurting a lot of people and it’s holding a lot of people back.  If you’re unclear of...
Law of Attraction Quotes

Law of Attraction Quotes

Here are the best Law of Attraction quotes to keep you focused on manifesting properly. These are all Active Path Law of Attraction quotes. You can use these manifesting quotes to inspire you and ensure you are staying on the Active Path! “Don’t focus on...