You will see, hear, and read a lot of different information about how to manifest your desires using the Law of Attraction.

Many people will say that you just have to feel positive, and not have any doubt.

Others will say to go with the flow, and do only what feels good and natural for you.

Others will tell you that what is meant for you will come to you at the right time, so don’t worry about anything.

Unfortunately none of these methods are overly effective.

We have all been in situations where we were super excited about something. We could barely think of anything else. We were completely certain it was going to happen – and then it didn’t.

And the opposite is also true. We’ve all had many experiences that caused us to lose sleep because we were so certain that something bad was going to happen – and then it didn’t.

And if we want to create big changes in our lives we are going to have to experience some discomfort. We will have to grow, step outside our comfort zone, take some risks, and make ourselves vulnerable. No one has ever accomplished anything great without stretching themselves, so if we only feel what feels good and comfortable, then we will be missing out on a lot of opportunities, and not creating everything we really want in our lives.

If we subscribe to the beef the what is meant for us will come at the right time, then we have given up all of our power to something else. We have relinquished our power of choice – our power to chose and create the life we want. We end up just accepting whatever others decide we should or should not have.

If you really want to learn how to manifest then follow these three steps:

How to Manifest: Step 1

Develop an awareness of what you are being in the present moment.

We are human beings. And we are all being something in the present moment. Some of us are being poor, others are being wealthy. Some of us are being powerful, others are being powerless.

No what you are being is not the same as what you are thinking. You can be thinking thoughts like ‘I am a millionaire’, but actually being someone who is poor.

What you’re being is the energetic state of your mind and body. It is the energy you are giving off into the universe. This is what the universe is always reacting to.

Once you have an awareness of what and how you are being you will be in a position to change it and amplify it. Without an awareness of it you cannot intentionally effect it.

How to Manifest: Step 2

Develop an awareness of your energy interacting with the energy in the real world around you,

Once you have developed an awareness of what you are being energetically you can extend this awareness to the world around you in the present moment. You will develop an awareness of your energy going out into the world and interacting with it. You will also develop an awareness of all the other energy flowing through you and around you,

Once again, once you have an awareness of what is actually happening you will then be in a position to deliberately influence and amplify it.

Step 3

Take action.

We must take physical action in order to create the changes we want in our lives. Action turns probability into reality. No one has ever built an empire, created a loving passionate relationship, or created anything else by sitting in their couch and waiting for it to come to them.

So how do you learn to do all this?

The five core exercises of Active Path Law of Attraction will enable you to do all of this and more. Manifesting is a skill that can be learned, practiced, and mastered.