Today I’d like to talk about gaslighting in the world of law of attraction and manifestation because it is rampant. It is out of control. It is everywhere. It’s hurting a lot of people and it’s holding a lot of people back. 

If you’re unclear of what gaslighting means, it’s a form of psychological manipulation where people are led to really question their own judgment on what is real, not real, true, not true. And in the classic use of the term, it’s used by abusers to make the victims feel that the abuse is the victim’s fault and not the abuser’s fault. Gaslighting usually has a lot of invalidation of the person’s feelings, the way they think, the way they act, the way behave. They are lead to believe that the way they think is never correct. The way they believe is never correct. The way they behave is never correct. And everything is always turned around. So they’re told everything is their fault. 

And we see this all over the place in the law of attraction and manifestation world, and it’s happening too much and I’m pretty sick of it. And it needs to stop.

We see this all over the place in the law of attraction and manifestation world, where if you don’t blindly accept everything people are teaching you without question, then it’s your fault that it’s not working. But the only way to validate something, the only way to truly learn something, is to question it until you have a full understanding of it. 

If you’re having doubts, that’s okay, you should be able to doubt things. You should be able to be curious. You should be able to question things. And when you have questions or things you don’t understand or things that don’t seem to make sense, you should be able to get those questions answered well enough so that you do understand them. 

Unfortunately, most times in law of attraction and manifestation, the answer to your questions is to simply accept it. And then you either have to just push your questions and doubts aside and blindly accept what people are telling you or everything’s your fault.

And this will have one of two effects. 

Either people will blindly accept what they’re being taught, whether it works or not so either people will stop questioning it and blindly accept it. And then they’ll be doing things that are ineffective and don’t work, or they’ll leave the law of attraction and manifestation world altogether because they’re like, “These people don’t listen to me. They won’t explain things to me. I don’t understand.” So they leave the world. And that is bad too, because it is empowering. And when you learn it correctly, it will help you to change your life.

But I see it all the time in Facebook groups, on forums, on posts, on YouTube, someone asks a question and they’re jumped on, everybody just piles on, jumps on the person. They’ll say things like, You’re asking a question. You’re raising doubt. No wonder it’s not working for you, you doubted something. 

Well, guess what? Your little doubt in your head is not actually strong enough to grind the entire universe to a halt, okay? It’s just simply not. So it’s okay to have doubts. If someone’s doubting something and they’re asking questions about it, it usually means they’re trying to understand. 

Now, sometimes people are just trying to poke holes in it. And that’s okay. If you’re standing for something solid, people can’t poke holes in it, and you should be able to answer their questions with something better than, “Oh, that’s why it’s not working for you. You had a doubt. You had a question.”

A place of learning has to have questions. A place of learning has to have doubt. A place of learning has to have that curiosity to truly understand and absorb the teachings. And this gaslighting that’s done in the law of attraction and manifestation world is done for the exact same reasons an abuser does it. 

An abuser uses gaslighting to absolve themselves of all blame and all responsibility. Nothing’s their fault. It’s the victim’s fault. They’re a good person. It’s the victim that caused all this trouble. They’re not to blame for anything. They’re not responsible for anything. They’re not accountable for anything.

And it’s the exact same in the law of attraction and manifestation world. People teach things to people. People coach people, and it’s not working. And when the students turn around and question this, they get gaslit. The teacher or coach gaslights them. They say, “Oh, you had a question. You had a doubt. You had a fear. No wonder it’s not working for you. What I teach actually does work, but because you had that little bit of doubt, it grinds the universe to a halt.” 

This absolves the teacher and coach from all the blame. They’re always saying, it’s the student’s fault that it’s not working. It’s the student’s fault that it’s not working. They had a doubt. They had a fear. They asked a question, or the universe is waiting to bring you the right thing at the right time, because it knows best. 

Either way they slice it, they’re absolving themselves of all responsibility and all accountability to make sure their teaching and their coaching actually works for the student. 

And it’s got to stop.

So if you ever feel like you’ve experienced gaslighting in the law of attraction and manifestation world, and you don’t want it anymore, where if you have questions, curiosities, doubts, anxieties about this, that nobody’s being able to answer for you or they just pile on top of you and criticize you when you ask these things, then we are here to help you. 

Come join our Facebook group. It’s called Power Manifesting Inner Circle. In the Power Manifesting Inner Circle, you’ll find thousands of like-minded people. And we don’t criticize, we don’t pile on top of people, we welcome questions. We want your hardest question, the questions no one else has been able to satisfy you with an answer for, the things that just don’t really click or make sense in mind, bring them to the group, we will help you. We want so that you had to learn this stuff really, really well so you can start changing your life. And we are here to help you do that, not to blame you for it not working.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!