Millions of people are currently getting small, sporadic, or no results through manifesting and the Law of Attraction. So we are constantly asked ‘Does manifesting work?”

They have applied what they have been taught, but aren’t getting the results they desire, and this of course makes them wonder what is wrong.

Why They Tell You Manifesting Isn’t Working For You

People are usually given one of two main reasons why manifesting is not working for them. The first is that they are to blame for their lack of results. Either they are having negative thoughts or emotions, or they have some unknowable subconscious programming that is preventing things from working for them.

The second reason people will be given for why manifesting is not working for them is that the universe is deciding what is best for them, and what they best time is for them to receive it, so they just have to wait.

I need to tell you two very important things:

First, Yes, manifesting does work. I have taught thousands of people how to manifest changes in their lives, often after them spending years or even decades getting little to no results with other methodologies.

Second, the problem is not you or the universe!

Having some negative thoughts or emotions is normal, and it does not grind the universe to a halt or prevent your manifestations. The truth is that many of the most powerful, famous, and wealthy people in the world unfortunately suffer from depression and other mood disorders. This hasn’t stopped them from creating everything you want and more in their lives, and it isn’t stopping you.

And as comforting as it may be, the universe is not deciding what is best for you and when it’s best for you to get it. If that were the case then a lot more people would be leaving this life happy, wealthy, and with all of their dreams fulfilled. Unfortunately this is not the case.

When Does Manifesting Work?

Here is a secret no one else will tell you

If you have been practicing the Law of Attraction and manifesting for a while and you are not getting the results you want then the problem is not you, and it’s not the universe. The problem is the information you’ve been taught.

The truth is that 99% of the manifesting and Law of Attraction that is everywhere is just the most very basic beginner information. It is weak and sporadic at best.

If you want better results then you need better information.

There is a whole other level of Law of Attraction and manifesting principles, techniques and knowledge that isn’t mass produced. You won’t find it on the shelves of every bookstore. You won’t find it on every YouTube channel. You won’t find it on every podcast.

When you learn and start to apply these advanced teachings you will begin to get faster, bigger, and more consistent results.

Manifesting is a skill, and like any other skill it can be learned, practiced, and mastered.

So where can you learn this information?

You will find it here. Explore this site. Begin to learn this information and apply it. Start to finally move yourself forward and create the changes you want to see in your life and the world.