Manifestation is the process of turning your thoughts and desires into reality.

Manifestation is not a singular event like flipping a light switch. It is an ongoing process of creation and evolution.

There are three main parts, or pillars of the manifestation process. These are Attraction, Vibrational Alignment, and Creation. We refer to these as pillars, and not steps or stages, because they do not happen sequentially. All three pillars are simultaneously in motion during the manifestation process. 

Each of these three pillars has specific techniques that activate them.

The Three Pillars of Manifestation

The Attraction Pillar of Manifestation

The world is full of resources. Everything you need to create the changes you want in your life is already out there in the universe. All of the ideas, inspiration, opportunities, connections, mentors, customers, support, money, energy, and everything else.

The problem for most of us is that many of these resources are currently beyond our physical reach. We aren’t aware of them, and certainly can’t exert any physical influence or control over them.

However our mental and emotionally energy, when properly focused and amplified, can reach beyond what we know and are aware of.  Our energy can reach out to all of these resources and guide them, influence them, and align them with our goals.

The Active Path Law of Attraction techniques that activate the Attraction Pillar are Actualization, and the Emotional Reversal.

This is the Attraction Pillar.

The Vibrational Alignment Pillar of Manifestation

The Vibrational Alignment is separate and distinct from the Attraction Pillar. The Attraction Pillar reaches out to resources that are beyond our sphere of physical influence, and brings them within it.

However simply having the resources within our proximity is not enough, because if we are not vibrationally aligned with them then we probably won’t even notice them,. We could have the best opportunity in the world sitting right in front of us, and walk right past it. 

We are constantly inundated by a lot of stimuli, and most of this is filtered out so that we can be aware of, and focus on, those things that are deemed important to us at that time.

When we are vibrationally aligned to out goals then we will become aware of all the resources that were brought to us through the Attraction Pillar.

The Active Path Law of Attraction techniques that activate proper vibrational alignment are the Social Mirror Exercise, and Proper Appreciation.

The Creation Phase of Manifestation

Now we have drawn the resources we require into our lives. We are also vibrationally aligned with them.

Now we can leverage them to create the changes we desire in our lives. We need to act. Having all of the opportunities, information, and other resources, is of no use to us if we do not use them.

Taking action activates the Creation Pillar. Action turns probabilities into realities. 

No one has every created anything great without taking action.

Click Here to learn more about Active Path Law of Attraction techniques and principles so that you can take your manifesting power and ability to an entirely different level.