Does the full moon amplify and magnify your manifesting power and make the law of attraction work stronger and faster? 

Today you are going to find out the truth!

So right off the bat, I want you to know that you are a powerful creative force. You have the ability to create any changes in your life that you desire. You are constantly creating and recreating your life right now based on your own parameters. Just unfortunately, you’re doing most of it out of habit, instead of with intentional purpose, with control. 

Now, how does the full moon affect this ability? 

Well the truth is it doesn’t. The full moon has no effect on your ability to manifest, on your ability to leverage the law of attraction, on your ability to create changes in your life. Just like the new moon, doesn’t have a good effect on it, a quarter moon, half moon, a waxing moon, a waning moon, or a full moon. None of it has any effect on your ability and your power. You are a powerful creative force and you certainly are not limited by anything such as the phases of the moon.

I mean think about it. During all the phases of the moon, it’s the same moon. The moon is the exact same. There’s also the same amount of sunlight hitting the moon on all phases of the moon. The only difference is how much of that light is reflected to Earth. Full moon, lots of light’s reflected to Earth. Quarter moon, less light is reflected to Earth. And this light that’s reflected off the moon towards the Earth has zero effect whatsoever either way on your ability to manifest and create changes in your life. 

So why is this talked about so much in the law of attraction and manifestation world? Why are there so many blogs about it? Why are there so many videos about it? 

Well, it’s catchy. It’s a gimmick. It captures people’s attention. 

The full moon has all sorts of mystique around it. Werewolves come at the full moon. Full moon’s around on Halloween. It’s supposed to be related to magic and casting spells.

But what we’re talking about with the power of attraction is not magic. It’s a law. These are actual physical things that are happening, physical energy, that you are focusing and controlling to make actual changes in the physical world around you. And this is not affected in any way whatsoever by any phase of the moon. 

The full moon gimmick is usually used in videos and posts by people just to grab your attention. Their main goal is for themselves. They want to get more views. They want to grow their channel. They want to get your attention. They want you to watch their video. They want you to forward their posts. They want to get bigger followings. It’s all focused on them. Use a gimmick, get a hook, get people to look at your media and share it, and hopefully you’ll grow.

What their goal is not to do is… 

Their goal isn’t to teach you effective things that will actually change your life. If that was their goal, they wouldn’t be teaching you anything about the full moon or two cups of water, because they simply don’t have any effect that can actually change your life. 

Now, if you really would like to learn really effective law of attraction and manifestation techniques and principles that actually can enable you to actually create real changes in your real life, then that is our goal. 

We’re not just focused on trying to teach you the latest gimmick, the latest hook, things that don’t work. We’re here to bring you the actual techniques and principles that when practiced and applied in your life will actually start creating the changes that you really want in your life. And we will teach all of this to you for free. All of the information that you need to learn to really start changing your life is available to you for free.

And it doesn’t include full moons. 

It doesn’t include cups of water. 

It doesn’t include 55 five, it doesn’t include vision boards. 

It doesn’t include affirmations. 

It doesn’t even include visualization. 

Because all of those things I just listed are either completely ineffective or mostly ineffective at creating real change in your life. 

If you would like to learn some real information that works, then join our Facebook group

In our Facebook group Power Manifesting Inner Circle you will find a lot of free information and a lot of success stories from our members. It is full of documents and videos that will teach you everything you need to know to start changing your life for free. 

In the Power Manifesting Inner Circle you will also find thousands of like-minded individuals who are not only there to help you and support you, but will also take some of their time and energy and focus it on you and helping you manifesting the changes you want in your life.

We regularly come together in groups so that we can focus on common goals, combine our energy to help each other create changes in our lives. There is strength in numbers, and when a group of people come together with the same focus at the same time, the results are exponential. 

So come learn how to change your life, help some other people change their lives, and together we can change the world.