If you’ve been using visualization as a manifestation technique, and haven’t quite been happy with your results to date, then this post is going to majorly uplift your skillset with information other people, either can’t or won’t teach you. 

Okay, let’s talk visualization. Visualization has many uses and benefits. It’s great in enhancing your imagination. It’s great in enhancing your creativity. It’s great at monitoring and to a degree controlling your emotions. Over a long period of time, that does have some benefit and influence on changing your thought and behavior patterns, although there are much faster and much more powerful ways to do than that. 

Unfortunately, what visualization is not that great at, not powerful at, is creating massive changes in your external world and we’re going to explain why.

Visualization as it’s normally taught is very internal. It’s a very internal art. It’s about what you’re thinking, it’s about what you’re imagining and to a degree about what you’re feeling, but everything is internal. And in order for you to influence the outer world to create massive change in the outer world, you can’t keep your mental and emotional energy contained inside you because although it said a lot, you don’t get what you think about just because you think something and think a lot, even with strong emotions behind it, doesn’t mean you’re creating it or you’re going to get it.

We all know lots of people who thought they were charming and weren’t. We’ve all known lots of people who thought they were talented and weren’t. We all know lots of people who thought they were being loving and compassionate and weren’t. Simply thinking they were that didn’t make it so. 

The truth is that we don’t get what we think about. We don’t get what we hope for. We don’t get what we dream about. We don’t get what we wish for. We get what we are being. We get what we are being in the present moment. And the limitation of visualization as it’s usually taught is it’s all about thinking, wishing, dreaming, imagining. You’re focusing all your mental and emotional energy on some imaginary you, in some of imaginary place at some imaginary time, instead of focusing where it needs to be, which is in reality, in the real world, in the present moment, in here and now, because you can only ever change anything in the world, the real world, your real life, in the present moment, right here, right now. That’s the only place you can ever cause change because that’s where the universe is.

Our goal isn’t to affect some imaginary life at some imaginary time and some imaginary place. Our goal is to affect our actual lives in this actual place, in this actual time. And to do that, our mental and emotional energy and our physical effort has to be focused here now in the present moment and it can’t be contained within us. Our energy contained within us isn’t effecting things around us. We have to emanate that energy, control it and focus it so it can go out into here now, into the present moment, into reality and make things happen.

We’ve all heard many teachings and phrases similar to let your light shine, don’t cover up your light, don’t hide your light, let your light out into the world. This is exactly what is meant by this teaching and this phrase, when all of our energy is focused internally. It’s like having a light bulb that you’ve put a cover over. All the lights staying inside the cover. It’s not lighting up the room. It’s not lighting up the world. It’s all contained inside. But when you focus your energy properly and let it flow out into the present moment, not into your imagination, but into the present reality, that’s like taking the cover off of the light, letting your light out, letting your light shine, lighting up the room, lighting up the building, lighting up the world, your energy, your mental and emotional energy that you’re generating has to flow out of you. And it has to flow into the present moment if you want to create change in your life.

So how do we do this? Well, in Active Path Law of Attraction, we have five core exercises. One of them is called actualization. Actualization is your next up-level from visualization. Actualization takes the core teachings of visualization and expands them, makes them more powerful, makes them more effective by not just generating a lot more mental and emotional energy, but enabling you to be aware of it, control it and focus it in the present moment, in the here and now, in reality emanating from so that you can truly effect change in the world around you, because that’s the only way you can do it. Visualization is like the light bulb being covered up. Actualization is taking the cover off the light bulb. And we will gladly teach you all that core exercise of Active Path Law of Attraction, including actualization absolutely for free. We have a Facebook group with thousands of members and we get together a couple of times a week and practice actualizations together as a group and not just focusing on ourselves, but focusing on the other members as well, because there’s strength in numbers.

See, you will have people behind you. People who have your back. People who are focusing on you and pouring their energy into what you want to achieve to help you get to where you want to go and in exchange, you will focus on them and help them get to where they want to go. And together we will change our lives, we’ll change our communities, we’ll change our countries and we’ll change the world. If you would like to learn more about how you can actually start changing your life, really start manifesting the changes you want in your life, change the lives of your loved ones, join a movement and an organization that is changing the world, then find us online. Our website is the active path.com. There’s a lot of free information there. There’s a lot of success stories there and find us on Facebook. Our Facebook group is power manifesting inner circle. Join it for free. Everything you need to learn is there for free. Join the live events and come together with other members to help each other change each other’s lives and the world.

If you would like to learn more about Active Path Law of Attraction and how we can help you to really start changing your life then join our Facebook group. We’re looking forward to seeing you there!