If you’ve ever been curious or confused about synchronicities and signs from the universe while you’ve been applying the law of attraction in your life, then we’re going to give you some clarity, we’re going to give you some reality, and we are going to expose one of the most unethical practices in the world of law of attraction today. 

If you’ve been learning about or practicing the law of attraction and manifestation for any period of time, I’m sure you’ve come across a lot of information that describes certain synchronicities, certain patterns, certain things to look for in the environment around you, as signs, as feedback that what you’re doing is working, and that you are moving forward, and that your manifestation’s on its way to you even when you’re not seeing any other progress towards your goal in your life. 

This has unfortunately led to one of the most unethical, one of the most deceptive practices and teachings in the law of attraction world today. And today, we’re going to blow the lid off it, we’re going to expose everything so you know exactly what’s happening and why people are doing it. There is one, only one sign from the universe that is really, really important and we’re going to talk about that at the end of today’s video. But first I want to do a deep dive into the signs you see around you, why you see them and why you’re told to look for them.

To understand what is happening, we first have to briefly talk about a small part of your brain called the reticular activating system, or the RAS. Now, the reticular activating system has many functions, but one of its major functions is to act as a filter. A filter to all the stimulus that is constantly coming at you. We’re constantly bombarded with tons and tons of stimulus. And if that was all coming right to the forefront of our consciousness, it would be really hard for us to concentrate on anything, really hard to focus on anything, and really hard for us to pick out what’s important to us. So the reticular activating system acts as a filter. The reticular activating system lets through things that are important to you right now and brings them to the forefront of your consciousness while holding all the other stimulus back, while filtering all the other stimulus out so just what’s important to you comes straight to the forefront of your consciousness. 

Some simple examples of this are if you’re driving down the road, everything is going smoothly. You’re on the highway, you’re driving 100 miles an hour and way up in your peripheral vision, some car wiggles unexpectedly. 

Well, that is immediately going to come to the forefront of your consciousness out of all the other stimulus, because that is important, that could be life-threatening, that could cause an accident. So no matter what else is happening around you, if you’re having a conversation, if you’re singing a song, even if you’re not really paying attention up there, that car that drives erratically will immediately get through the RAS, get through the filter, and it will say to you, “This is important.” And point it out to you. Another example is if you’re walking through the forest, you’re going on a hike. You may be singing a song, you may hear other people talking, birds chirping. You might be thinking about work and suddenly you hear a deep roar, growl coming from a bush. Well, that is immediately going to come to the forefront of your consciousness too because that is important. Your RAS is going to grab it and bring it to you and say, “This is important.”

And the RAS does this for anything we currently think is important to us. Anything that’s currently important to us if it’s in our environment, whether we’re paying attention to it or not, whether we’re looking for it or not, the RAS is going to find it and bring it to the forefront of your consciousness and say, “This is important.” 

A lot of self-improvement law of attraction, teachers and coaches know this and they use it to keep their students hooked even when they’re not getting them results. Another simple example of the reticular activating system at work is let’s say you’re going to get a new car, you’re super excited. You’ve already been to the dealership, you were approved for financing. You picked up the model you want, you picked up the features you want, you picked up the color you want, and they’re getting it ready for you. You’ve signed the paperwork and you can pick it up in a few days, and you’re super excited, and you are buying a red car.

Well, during that time while you’re super excited about it, while you’re thinking about it, that red car you’re getting is important to you. It’s very important to you. So when you’re driving down the road or walking down the road, you’re going to see red cars everywhere. You’ll be driving down the road and they’ll seem like there’s nothing but red cars, or the amount of red cars has doubled or tripled. They’re just simply everywhere. The truth is that there are no more red cars there now than there were before, but the reticular activating system now knows that red cars are important to you. So when there’s a red car in your environment, it’s going to grab it and say, “Hey, a red car. Hey, a red car. Look, another red car.” And filter out all the other ones that are not important to you right now. Before you bought that red car, before you got excited about it, there was the same number of red cars, but guess what?

They weren’t important, so the reticular activating system was just filtering them out, letting them go by, part of the scenery and it wasn’t grabbing them and saying, “This is important to you.” But now that it is important to you, it’s going to grab everyone out of the environment and show it to you because it’s important to you. And many law of attraction teachers and coaches use this as a false positive to make their students think they’re making progress towards their goal when they’re actually not making any progress towards their goals whatsoever. The teachers and coaches know that if something is important to you, it’s going to be brought to the forefront of your consciousness by that reticular activating system. Whether it’s in your peripheral, whether you’re thinking about it or not, whether you’re looking for it or not, if it’s there, your reticular activating system’s going to grab it and say, “Hey look, this, I found it. It’s important to you.” So when they tell their students to look for signs in the environment, no matter what it is … sometimes it’s feathers, sometimes it’s clouds.

A lot of times these days, it’s patterns of numbers. “Look for one, one, one, one. Or two, two, two. Or three, three, three. Or four, four, four.” What happens is the student now knows that that’s an important pattern. The student may even go online and research about these number patterns. The student may see other people posting online, that they’ve seen these number patterns and pictures of these number patterns. And the more you’re looking at it and researching it and thinking about it, the more important it is to you and the more likely your RAS is to find it and grab it and say, “Look, I found this. It’s important to you.” So when students are told to look for one, one, one, one. And one, one, one one’s important. And one, one, one is a good thing. And they see other people posting one, one, one, one. And they research, “What does one, one, one make?” And then they start thinking, “Oh, I’d like to see one, one, one. I wonder if I’ll see one, one, one. I hope I see one, one, one.”

Well, you can be walking through work or the train station and there may be some clock off in the wall. You’re not even paying attention to it, you’re not even thinking about it. You’re thinking about what you’re having for dinner, but your reticular activating system grabs it and says, “Look, one, one, one, one. Who’s on the clock right there?” And you say, “Wow, I saw one, one, one, one. That’s good.” Now it’s even more important to you. So while you’re thinking this, everywhere you go, when you’re walking, watching TV, looking at your phone, passing by billboards, seeing license plates, seeing phone numbers, advertisements, anywhere you’re around any place that pattern exists, your reticular activating system is going to grab it and show it to you, whether you’re looking for it or not. This is a natural phenomenon that happens all the time when something is important to you. But unfortunately, none of this has anything to do with you manifesting your goal. And this is what makes it one of the most unethical deceptive practices and teachings in the world of law of attraction today.

Because if what you’re doing isn’t working, isn’t getting you results, then seeing patterns of numbers is just going to encourage you to do the same wrong things over and over and over again, going back to the same law of attraction teacher or coach who isn’t actually helping you get results and moving you forward towards your goal, and you’re not going to move forward. It’s super easy for law of attraction coaches and teachers when their students aren’t getting results to say, “Oh, well go look for this sign, go look for that sign, go look for this pattern of numbers. If you see this pattern of numbers, it’s a really, really good thing.” And sure enough, the student thinks it’s important, the student researches it, the student looks for it, the student start seeing it all around themselves. Thinks they got feedback that what they’re doing is working, but it’s a false positive. Unless you’re specifically trying to manifest patterns of numbers in your environment just as a little test, that’s fine. If you want to say, “I’m going to manifest the pattern two, eight, nine, four.” And you do that, that’s great.

That’s a nice little test. But if you’re trying to manifest a car, or a job, or a house, or a relationship, or a financial abundance, then unfortunately seeing a pattern of numbers has nothing at all to do with it. What is it that you are working on manifesting right now? What changes are you working on creating in your life? And how long have you been trying to manifest it for? Please let us know in the comments on this video, because we want to help you learn this stuff really, really well so you can truly move forward and really start making the changes you want in your life. Okay. So this brings us to the one sign from the universe that matters, the one sign from the universe that counts. And the one sign, the only sign from the universe that matters is if you are making real, actual progress towards your goal. Now, if you just want to manifest something small, like a parking spot or a few thousand dollars, or a phone call from a friend, those can seem to happen instantly. That’s no problem.

But if you want to manifest large changes in your life, it’s going to take some steps and stages. You don’t just wake up one morning the CEO of $100 million company. You can get there quickly, but it happens in steps and stages. You don’t just wake up one morning, roll over in bed and your perfect life partner is suddenly there. You don’t go to sleep and wake up the next day in a whole new mansion when you went to sleep in an apartment. Everything has steps and stages and a process, and you have to make progress towards it. And the only sign from the universe that matters is are you making progress towards your goal? Now, are there synchronicities? Absolutely. Are there coincidences? Absolutely. But they should be related towards your goal, they should take you one step closer towards your goal and make things progress. What we’re attracting to ourselves when we’re manifesting is all the resources that we need to create the change in our lives. So if you want to manifest a huge mansion, that is fantastic. You can do that, we can teach you how. No problem.

But seeing patterns of numbers or feathers is completely unrelated to that. Now, if you’re trying to manifest a huge mansion and you suddenly start getting some new job offers with more money, or some business opportunities where you can increase your income, that lines up with your goal because to have a new mansion, you need more income. So as these synchronicities and coincidences happen, you have to jump on them, you have to leverage them, you have to use them and move yourself forward. But the only thing that matters is if it’s related to your goal. Are you making progress to your goal or are you just waiting and waiting and waiting for 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, 15 years with no real progress? 

If you really want to learn how to manifest changes in your life and you want to get help doing so, then please find our Facebook group. There, you will find thousands of likeminded people who are learning active path law of attraction, creating changes in their lives and helping all the other members to do it too.

There, you will find support, you will get your questions answered, and you will have people applauding your successes and actually dedicating their time and their energy to helping you succeed.